The Sessions
While never easy, managers must be willing to have difficult conversations. These sessions give managers the tools to navigate the more challenging moments, whether giving bad news, communicating change or handling poor performance.
Diluting the content of a difficult message to avoid discomfort serves no-one. Everyone wants to know where they stand, so if things are about to change, the results aren’t good or the feedback’s particularly hard hitting, you owe it to the people in your team to be up front and honest.
Conflict is perceived by many as unpleasant and uncomfortable. But without it, opinions don’t get properly aired, ideas aren’t debated and decision making is poor. This session will help you reframe conflict and create conditions where it can build trust and enable robust decision making
When relationships break down in teams or between stakeholders, the elephants in the room start blowing their trunks, the atmosphere turns sour, and progress slows down. It's important to intervene, to help repair and focus people back on the goal.
Making a compelling case for the changes that are needed within your team or organisation can mean the difference between early engagement and quick momentum or confusion and inertia. It’s vital to get your launch right if you want to stand a chance of delivering change successfully.
Change is often accompanied by ambiguity, fear and a large amount of emotion. When you are trying to navigate from the old to the new, there are strategies to help you guide your teams through the fall out, get the day job done and emerge from the upheaval in good shape.
Water cooler conversations are often dominated by chat about tricky people in teams. It's fine to blow off steam but there's actually quite a lot you can do to manage such individuals. And it's worth knowing that while they might be difficult, they sometimes also bring a valuable uniqueness to a team.
A few years ago, resilience training was a nice to have - but today, it is recognised as a necessity. By giving you the management tools to help yourself and your people in times of stress, you and your team members are less likely to be ill or absent and better able to thrive and excel.
When you negotiate anything, you are always aiming for a win:win outcome. But it can feel difficult not to give the shop away just to avoid the discomfort or, alternatively, not to dig in as a matter of personal honour. Neither approach serves anyone’s long term purpose – but there is a middle path.